Monday, May 19, 2014

Reflecting on Mother's Day

(Sorry this post is a little late, I wanted to put it up closer to Mother's Day, but I was encountering technical difficulties last week)

 This I year, I celebrated my 1st mother's day and It was special beyond belief.

This little angel made me a mommy on July 2nd 2013

There were so many external blessings:
My husband and kiddos spoiled me with sleeping in and breakfast in bed complete with mimosas and an extra dose of snuggles. My daughter made me a beautiful card and picture frame at school. My mother in law sent me tulips and my mom brought me a beautiful arrangement. I was spoiled with gifts and a shopping spree at Sephora. The night before I got to enjoy a girls night out with one of my besties. We enjoyed pedicures, appetizers, mojitos, and a lot of uninterrupted conversation. I was spolied. I am spoiled. And I am so thankful.

And yet all these external blessings pale in comparison to the blessing of becoming a mom to not one but two precious kiddos in the span of one short year. I don't really expect others to understand what it feels like to take fall in love with a child that you did not give birth to. But, I will tell you that it happens and that love runs just as true and deep.

My Precious Baby Boy. He made me a mommy of  2 on November 14th 2013

I do not know the pain of child birth or the joy that a mother experiences when the doctor hands over her new born child. But I do know what it is like to meet a little 5 year old girl who has not been loved the way that she should have been and to see the pain in her eyes. I've felt the extreme burden and yet joy to know that God hand picked her for me and my husband to raise and love and point to Jesus. I know the grace that I have seen rest on my baby boy, who although he was not protected in utero, he is protected now. I know the pain of siting in court rooms and meeting birth parents and reading devastating reports.

You hear it time and time again...mothers are made in many ways. I can attest that it is true. I had my doubts that I could love one so completely who was not flesh of my flesh, but my friends...the love of Christ has nothing to do with being of the same blood as another. In fact, it is quite the opposite. The beauty of adoption and the Gospel was lost on me until I was in thick of it and now I can see no more beautiful image!

I met my children in ways that may seem odd and in ways that I never would have planned. But, I will tell you, that at the end of the day I see only their faces. Orphan babies. Abandoned children. Precious souls who the Lord, in His gracious way, has hand picked out of their painful situations. And they call me--Mom.

The purpose of this post is not to map out our adoption story (Thats a post for another time) or to convince anyone that adoption is the best course for one's life. Instead, I want to encourage you that children are not for you,mom, or for you, dad. They are not accessories or life enhancers. Parents. Mom and Dad. YOU are for your kids. You are there to love and guide and protect and lead and care for these precious lives. They are not born to make us happy por complete or satisfied. They do not come into our lives to make us feel better about ourselves. Parenting. Motherhood. At its foundation is a calling to be selfless. It is a high calling. A tough and endless job. But, it is a precious gift.


  1. This brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful story. Your children are blessed to have you as their mother!

  2. this is beautiful michelle! Love this! Very good reminder too!
